
Share the Power!

The other day I attended a wonderful event that included a  “Power Panel” of successful Female Entrepreneurs. The platform was set up for great conversation about owning your power and how that looks in your life and business. 

When it came time for questions, one woman stood up and said, “I really don’t like that word. I don’t want to have power over others—I want to collaborate with them.”

When she was asked to explain a little more it became clear that she thought of “power” as a man’s word in a corporate world.

On the one hand, I get it. After all, think of…

Power suits. 

Power trips. 

Power lunches. 


If you came of age in the 80s and 90s, you probably don’t have a warm and fuzzy association with these phrases, either.

That woman in the audience got me thinking though—and while I understand where she’s coming from, I beg to differ. 

I love the word. So much so that I’ve built my life and business around it.



Here’s why {first_name}.

I don’t think of it as power as something wielded over someone else or something we can put on like a blazer, but as something we OWN, SUMMON and HARNESS in order to do and be all that we are here to be. 

I teach my clients to own their power—and when they do, that’s when the magic happens in their lives and businesses.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines power as “the ability to act or produce an effect; the source or means of supplying energy; or

the time rate at which work is done or energy emitted or transferred.”

See, it’s all about ACTION and ENERGY! 

I define it like this:

True Power is when you align your purpose and your life’s work with your actions, intention and physical space. You own what you are here to do.  You clear everything out of the way so you can be your most potent self—no longer watered down, cluttered or distracted.

And why is this so important?

Well, your power fuels your inner light. It’s like the generator for what makes you YOU and different from everyone else. Power allows you to shine that inner light out into the world.   

When you’re no longer spending any more precious energy on distractions, habits or addictions—and no longer saying, doing or being what you think others want you to say, do or be. 

Owning your power is the doorway to freedom.

This is what I spend most of my time talking about. What can I do to own more of my power so I can do what the world is calling me to do? And how do I share this with my clients and others?

Bottom line: The world needs all of us to stop being pulled in a million directions—and to do that thing we are here to do. The world needs each of us to own our power.


All my best,




Connect with me to start owning your power! There are 3 ways to contact me below:


1) Take 20 minutes out of your day and have a complimentary call with me! – https://calendly.com/tandy-1/20-minute?month=2019-05


2) My Soul Sessions will guarantee a breakthrough for you! – https://tandypryorcoaching.com/soulsessions/


3) Join my Facebook page! Own Your Power, Make More Money – https://www.facebook.com/groups/OwnYourPowerMakeMoreMoney/