
Share the Power!

I’m writing to you today to invite you to turn off the “noise” around the New Year… everything except this blog… Ha!

My goodness – it’s everywhere! Social media is running rampant, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines… 

“Make your goals!”
“Buy This!”
“You Have this!”
“What are your resolutions?”
“Here’s a special New Years offer…” blah blah blah.

SO much pressure to plan, change, buy, excel.

It’s exhausting and it really takes the joy out of the freshness of a clean slate and a new view. 

You can have a New Year every single morning you wake up.

You can change your life any day, at any moment when it feels right for you. It doesn’t have to be January 1st.

In fact, the new year wasn’t always celebrated in January. According to History.com, the Ancient Roman calendar followed the lunar cycle and had the new year beginning in March. Sosigenes was an astronomer who convinced Julius Caesar to follow the solar year instead. It wasn’t until 46 BC that the new year began in January. 

Mother Nature has it right really – winter is for slowing down, planning, conserving energy, hibernating and preparing for spring! So, according o the Romans, there’s some wiggle room around a fresh start and maybe March is a better month to celebrate considering it’s much closer to Spring! A fresh start as the new flowers bloom and the greenery is coming back.

The point is… turn off the noise and do it your way. Create your own rituals and celebrations. Turn off all of the outside pressure from the media and don’t let it overwhelm you.

Whether you are easing in, blasting through new rituals or still hiding under the covers because you made too many “resolutions” you have not been able to keep up with (refer to my last blog if that is true)…

No matter how you are doing so far, you are always welcome here.


I like the sound of 2019.


I am ready for it and I am easing in on my terms, and no one else’s. Yep, ease is one of my words for this year. 

Here are a few more:



Have you thought about what your words for the year are? It’s never too late and I would love to hear what they are!